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The Final Blog Post (Probably)

This weekend I graduated from the University of Florida. For someone who spent four years earning a degree primarily based upon writing skills, I am at a loss for words to be able to accurately describe this adventure. It's now my third time restarting this post, so I hope I can get it right.

Four years ago when I received my acceptance to UF, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you I went reluctantly. Four years later, I love this school so much I have chosen to do my masters and assistantship here beginning this fall in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences.

I never realized how much could change in four years. Fortunately for our parents, they can get glimpses of all that we do. Fortunately for college students, our parents only see the moments we choose to share with them.

(picture below, August 2015)

I walked into Reid Hall summer b and found a note from my random roommate named Jasmine. She gave me her number and we spent the entire summer binge watching Netflix and spending too much money on Chipotle. Fall came and I moved into Windsor Hall. That’s where I met Emily and Nathalia. We also acquired a fourth roommate named Jen, and if you were wondering if we are all still friends, some of us never even stopped being roommates. There is no quicker way to become close to someone than spending every waking hour doing completely stupid things together. Sorry to anyone who knew us freshman year, we’ve evolved. Speaking of spending every day with someone, I quickly found my people on study abroad and we became “World Travelers.” (just when I stopped talking about it.) And lastly, I got too involved in college and met amazing friends through club gymnastics, AWARE, and Deeph.

(Picture below, August 2018)

At no point in my life will I get to live within walking distance of everyone I love. Your friends are there when you are crying and laughing. They learn valuable skills with you like the importance of defrosting chicken before cooking it. They give you the best advice, and you will completely ignore their judgement only to make the wrong decision. Then when you make the wrong decision, they console you. They are there for all your nights out, even the ones you wish you could forget. Half your conversations begin with “Remember when….” Their closet is your closet. Their accomplishments and hardships are yours. You form combined names like, “Jemily” and when you show up to lunch without your other half (Hi Bria) people are concerned.

Life is hard

I think that sometimes between all the highlights that we share, we forget that people’s lives are not perfect. I know that personally I am the master at formulating the right presence to mask the difficulties. Throughout my college experience I have faced challenges both externally and internally. My mom has been sick for the last two years, (as of January she is better than ever) I have struggled with my own issues, I’ve been rejected by boys, failed tests, and I even considered transferring freshman year. Yet we make it through. We are surrounded by compassion. We realize the human value in others. Our lives are not 10 second Snapchat stories, perfectly posed Instagram photos, or even the “I am so excited to announce” Facebook posts.

Not everyone in college will stick around

This one is a hard pill to swallow. Throughout college, we change. This means that some people will be extremely important in your life, but they don’t always stay. I think accepting “the now” is so important because the time we have with each person in college is special. There are so many iconic names I could say to my friends and all of a sudden a million stories rush to our minds. You realize you’re not as close with the people who lived down the hall freshman year, your adventures with a boy become memories instead of new moments, your friends that graduated before you live in different cities, but you learn to appreciate that each of these people have a place in your heart and have purpose in your life. For those luckily enough to stay in your life for a long time, hold them tight.

These years I will never forget

I will never forget the third day of college when we had a mini dorm party in room 128, or the Windsor Hall Facebook page filled with, “Move your car or I will tow.” I’ll never forget having my Dutch roomie, Lieke, question why American pickles are so big or the hurricane parties in our Courtyards apartment. I’ll never forget my first date function or my last. I won’t forget accidentally moving into a house senior year. I won’t forget the taste of a fats slushies or the savored moments at 101 Cantina. I’ll never forget the people who made me feel so loved in some of the hardest moments, or the pride I have felt for finding such incredible friends in college. I’ll never forget putting on a Leo for the first time in years. I will never forget Paradise Beach Mykonos and the Octopus murderer. I will never forget the day I graduated from the institution that has molded me beyond my wildest dreams.

To Marissa and to Our Blog

Marissa and I met 4 years ago during summer B at a bus stop. Read the whole story here. At the end of our freshman year, we made this fashion blog happen. Then about a year later we traveled the world and incorporated it in. Now, I have used this blog to tell stories a few times. It’s funny because I haven’t felt the fashion blog connection in a few months, but in my last few weeks of school I have had multiple people ask me about it. So, it’s time to let the fashion blog rest. It has given me the most amazing four years documenting trends, friendships and travels. Marissa has been working in NYC this semester still in the fashion world. Luckily, I get to join her in the city for the summer. Maybe I’ll write a post or two in the future. For now, I want to say thank you. It is only fitting to let this amazing chapter close with my undergrad because it was such an integral part of it. Thank you to my friends and family who have shown so much support, and in the words of Marc Jacobs, “Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.”

Senior Year Moments

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